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雅西高速公路是交通运输部确定的“勘察设计典型示范”和“科技示范”双示范项目。它是北京至昆明高速公路(G5)和八条西部大通道之一甘肃兰州至云南磨憨公路在四川境内的重要组成部分,起于雅安对岩镇,经雨城区、荥经、汉源、石棉,止于凉山彝族自治州冕宁县泸沽镇,全长240千米,采用四车道高速公路,设计速度80千米/小时,总投资约206亿元。被誉为“云端上的高速公路”的四川雅安至西昌高速公路全线建成通车。中国天路——雅西高速。 [size=0.9em]译文来源:三泰虎博客
外文标题:Yaxi highway: A ‘ladder-like sky road’ in China
外文地址:http://defence.pk/threads/yaxi-h ... oad-in-china.372565 Yaxi highway, a 240-kilometer-long road connecting Ya’an and Xichang in southwest China’s Sichuan province, is regarded as a “ladder-like sky road”. The road is a combination of viaducts and tunnels. The total length of the 25 tunnels along the road is about 41 kilometers. 雅西高速全长240公里,连接雅安和西昌,被誉为“阶梯状的天路”,由高架和隧道组成。25个隧道的总长大约是41公里。
讨论: [size=0.9em]译文来源:三泰虎 AndrewJin
It’s part of the 2865km G5 national expressway, linking Kunming in the southwest to Beijing. 雅西高速是全长2865公里的G5国道的一部分,G5国道连接的是北京和昆明 HariPrasad(印度)
Very good. 非常好 AndrewJin
Actually the most complicated control-access expressway is Hubei Province section of G50 national expressway.(Shanghai-Chongqing) and G42 (Shanghai-Chengdu) 其实最复杂的公路是国道G50(上海-重庆)和国道G42(上海-成都)的湖北段。
Siduhe Bridge, the highest bridge in the world. 四渡河特大桥 walle990
the chinese love building these sort of roads, but i wonder how do they cope against the wrath of mother nature. 中国人喜欢建各种公路,不知道他们是如何应对大自然的愤怒的。 Borr
Well just build more. 好吧,多建一些 AndrewJin
Chinese don’t want to build these, but they have to, for the benefits of local people in the remote mountainous region and integrate Chinese economy as a whole. 中国人修这些也是被逼的,是为了边远山区人们的福祉 kuge(马来西亚)
hope china will help building infrastructure in developing countries thru AIIB. 希望中国借助亚投行,帮助发展中国家建设基础设施 TaiShang
Seven-day Jiangxi tour route 江西的7天之旅 1) Day 1: Lushan Mountain 庐山 2) Day 2: Jingdezhen Town 景德镇 Yaoli Ancient Town 瑶里古镇
4) Day 4: Wuyuan County 婺源 5) Day 5: Longhu Mountain 龙虎山 6) Day 6: Sanqing Mountain 三清山 7) Day 7: Tengwang Pavilion 滕王阁 Beast
Only China can accomplished such magnificent feat. 只有中国才能完成如此壮举 AndrewJin
Chinese engineers have desgined the most complicated bridges and expressways in human history. Their experience and expertise can be used for infrastructure construction in other developing countries with financial support from AIIB 中国工程师设计出了人类历史上最复杂的桥梁和公路。 在来自亚投行的资金支持下,他们的经验和技术可以应用在其他发展中国家的基础设施建设上。 AndrewJin Azizam(斯里兰卡)
Anyone who speaks for protecting environment at the cost of protecting environment in developing countries should give up his/her wealth then speak. 任何说要保护环境,却以牺牲发展中国家环境为代价的人应该先放弃自己的财富