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Entering Changthang area of Tibet: 进入藏北高原
Pastureland will make you amazed: 让你惊讶的牧场
The awesome vista continued: 神奇的景色在继续
The scenery continued (Remember all shots are taken from running train at 100 kmph, so capability of frame selection was extremely limited, it was just click as you like): 风景在继续(记住,所有照片都是在时速100公里的火车上拍摄的,所以帧的选择非常有限,只是随兴而拍)
Approaching the end of Changthang Region and the huge grassland that started 1000 km behind at Golmud: 即将驶出藏北高原,格尔木背后是1000公里的辽阔草原
kshil Now we will enter Lhasa town but unfortunately we are entering from North where the characterless Chinese extension of Lhasa you will see first, for actual Lhasa we heard of, wait for a week till I come back from Sikkim 我们要进入拉萨了,不幸的是我们是从北边进城的,首先映入你眼帘的是中国对拉萨毫无特色的发展延伸,而不是我们所听说的真实拉萨。等一周后我从锡金回来再介绍
First view of Modern (Read Chinese) Lhasa: 初观现代拉萨
Lhasa Platform after 23 hours 30 mins of Magic Moments since we left Xining: 自从离开西宁,经过23小时30分钟的神奇时刻后,我们到达了拉萨火车站站台
The inside of Tibetan House: 藏族民居内部
Our Hotel, Shambala Palace, an excellent Tibetan style hotel to stay in Lhasa, thanks to Woeser for choosing this hotel for us: 我们住的酒店香巴拉宫酒店,拉萨非常棒的藏族风格酒店,感谢为我们选择酒店的导游
Tibetan style is preserved even inside the hotel room at Shambala Palace, Lhasa: 就连酒店内部也是藏族风格的
China Post Office, Lhasa, a typical Chinese styled building: 拉萨的邮局,典型的中国式建筑
Lhasa road in morning: 早上的拉萨公路
Potala Palace, an UNESCO World Heritage Site: 世界文化遗产 ,布达拉宫
Potala Palace: 布达拉宫
Thangka inside Potala: 布达拉宫内部的唐卡(三泰虎注:唐卡也叫唐嘎,唐喀,系藏文音译,指用彩缎装裱后悬挂供奉的宗教卷轴画。唐卡是藏族文化中一种独具特色的绘画艺术形式,题材内容涉及藏族的历史、政治、文化和社会生活等诸多领域;传世唐卡大都是藏传佛教和本教作品)
Design inside the Potala Palace 布达拉宫内部的设计
The Dalai Lama’s residential building inside Potala Palace: 达赖喇嘛在布达拉宫内部的住宅楼
Dalai Lama’s Residence (Inside Photography strictly Prohibited): 里面严禁拍照
View of Lhasa Town from Potala Palace: 从布达拉宫眺望拉萨市区
Tibetan Lady encircling Potala Palace with Prayer Wheels: 藏族女士拿着祈祷轮绕着布达拉宫走
Sera Monastery – Second largest Monastery of Gelukpa Sect 色拉寺——藏传佛教格鲁派第二大寺
The abandoned Monk Quarter at Sera 色拉寺废弃的僧人宿舍
The famous dibets of Sera going on: 色拉寺的僧侣在讨论问题
The Monk is in deep thoughts: 僧侣在沉思
Prayers are offered 在祈祷
Other side of Sera Monastery: 色拉寺的另一侧
Now at last we are in old part of Lhasa: 我们最终来到了拉萨老城区
The lively looking windows- Traditional Tibetan looks: 藏族传统的眺望窗户
Lhasa Old Town: 拉萨老城区