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Shotgunner51(中国) most of the water preservation projects are in central-western China. 大多数大坝在中西部
AndrewJin(中国) btw, my ex-girlfriend’s father is building dams everywhere in Hunan…..I visited one of them. 我前女友的父亲在湖南修大坝,我参观过其中一座 cnleio(中国) Kolaps(台湾) This thread is full of communist propaganda. Better not to visit again next time. I think I get an headache, may be I should take a rest a bit. 本帖充斥着gcd的宣传啊 我想我头疼了,也许该休息一会了 kankan326(中国) China’s young generation are more pro-CCP. We all see what a chaos the democratic society is. Taiwan in some means is helping the CCP. A failure example is more persuasive than any anti communism propaganda. 中国的年轻一代更加支持gcd。我们目睹了皿煮社会的一团混乱。台湾某种程度上帮助了gcd。失败的例子比任何反共宣传更有说服力。 yusheng my hometown Ningbo 我的家乡宁波
Shotgunner51(中国) Ningbo? Welcome neighbor, I am from Shanghai, we are connected by the Hangzhou Bay Bridge, the 2nd longest sea bridge in the world! (1st being Jiaozhou Bay Bridge in Qingdao). 宁波?欢迎邻居,我来自上海,杭州湾大桥把我们连接了起来,杭州湾跨海大桥是世界第2长的跨海大桥!(第一是青岛胶州湾跨海大桥) BoQ77(越南) This one looks like Origami stuff. Nice 上面这张看起来像是折纸,赞一个 cnleio(中国) NanChang street photos ( JiangXi still a undeveloped province in China) 南昌街拍(江西仍然是中国欠发达省份) AndrewJin(中国) I like 江西的瓦罐汤,汤加饭8-10元吃饱。 cnleio(中国) 1. “南昌之星 / NanChang Star”
2. “秋水广场 / Music Fountain of QiuShui Square” 3. “滕王阁 / Pavilion of Prince Teng” Shotgunner51 it one of the observation platforms. Since the bridge is over 36 km long, facilities like observation platform, gas station, emergency rescue station, marine traffic control tower, helicopter pad, etc., are necessary. 其中一个观察台。由于跨海大桥全长超过36公里,所以观察台、加油站、紧急救助站、海上交通控制塔和停机坪等是必要的 AndrewJin(中国) I like the countryside of Jiangxi Province!!! 我喜欢江西的乡下! TaiShang(中国) Shanghai turns into the literal ‘Devil Capital’ as heavy smog covers the city. This picture was taken from the 121st floor of Shanghai Tower, the tallest building in China, and shows a rather spectacular view. 烟雾笼罩下,上海成为了实质上的魔都。 这张照片从中国最高楼上海塔的121层楼拍摄,非常壮观 Schutz(英国) Interesting post, one thing I notice though is that far to many of you are linking progress with number of skyscrapers you can throw up, I can understand it for space reasons but its just ugly and cheap looking. 有趣的帖子。 不过,我注意到一点,即你们中很多人把进步与摩天楼的数量联系起来。 从空间考量,这是可以理解的,但是看起来很丑,看起来寒酸 FairAndUnbiased On the contrary, skyscrapers are insanely expensive and look it too. Nobody thinks a wooden shack is expensive 恰恰相反,摩天楼贵得吓人,看起来也是如此。没人会认为木制小屋会是贵的 cnleio(中国)
Amember(加拿大) China development is amazing indeed.
I’d like to ask though, why there are many young families that migrate to western countries?
I’ve some Chinese families as I would say my close friends, most of their answer is for the kids future (education especially)… and because of fierce competition in China workplace. Interestingly enough, most of them would like to spend their retirement in China (mainly because it’s cheaper)
What do you guys think? 中国的发展确实不可思议 不过我要问一个问题,为什么那么多年轻家庭移民西方国家? 我有一些好友是中国家庭,大多数人的回答是为了孩子的未来(特别是教育),还有就是中国职场的激烈竞争。 有趣的是,他们大多数人会愿意退休后回中国生活(主要是因为生活成本不高) 你们怎么认为呢? FairAndUnbiased I haven’t seen any young families that migrated here as a family. I only know singles that came then got married. they’re very different. 没见过有哪个年轻家庭一整家子移民的 我知道的是那些单身的过去,然后才结婚 Edison Chen(中国) Two kinds of people want to immigrate, corrupted officials, businessmen without background in China. Ok maybe the third group is students 两种人会想移民,一种是腐败的官员,另一种是没有背景的商人。 也许第三种是学生吧 kankan326(中国) 还有一部分,是被好莱坞和精英们洗脑了,把国外描绘的跟天堂似的。 Amember(加拿大)
Families that I’ve known is professional workers from big companies in China. 我认识的家庭是来自中国大公司的专业人士 FairAndUnbiased Never seen those types. Maybe me and you have different definition of “young”. My definition of “young” is under 30. I don’t know of a single couple under 30 that migrated as a family overseas. 没见过你说的那种。也许你和我对“年轻”的定义不同。 我对“年轻”的定义是不到30岁。 我没听说过有哪个不到30岁的夫妇一整家子移民海外的 Amember(加拿大) I think of young families as a couple with little kid(s) up to primary school age 我认为年轻的家庭就是孩子上小学的夫妇
Meroe(英国) Forget the past 35 years. Just think about the rapid development the Chinese made in the Past 15 years alone! In 2001, most PLAAF aircraft flew j-6 and J-7 (derived from Mig-21) to defend much China’s airspace. We all know about the Hinan island incident in 2001, where an US navy recon plane was surveying the coastal installations in S.China and was intercepted by an young PLAAF pilot who crashed in the US navy plane. Such an incident would not likely to happen today because the technological parity between China and the USA is closing every year. Just engineering an large lift aircraft like the Y-20 aircraft would have been impossible for Chinese developers just 20 years ago. But Chinese need to seriously improve their engine technology IMO! 别提过去35年了。 只要想想中国过去15年的迅速发展就知道了。 2001年,中国空军用来捍卫领空的是歼6和歼7(从米格21发展而来)。 2001年的海南撞机事件就是众所周知的。此类事件如今不可能发生了,因为中美技术差距越来越小了。 就在20年前,造运20那样的打飞机对中国研发人员来说是不可能的。 不过,中国人需要认真改进他们的发动机技术!
Shotgunner51(中国) Luxury cars wrecked in ‘Fast and Furious’ collision
cnleio(中国) Historic photos of 60-year changes in “August 1″ Square of NanChang city 1950s 南昌八一广场60年变迁的历史照片 1950年代 1959 National Day 1959年国庆 1978 built the “August 1″ monument 1978年修建了八一纪念碑 1970s 1970年代 1980s 1980年代 1999年国庆 2005年后 TaiShang(中国) China’s equipment winning fame abroad 中国装备蜚声海外 cnleio(中国) Dragon&Tiger mountain, home of Chinese Taoism: 中国道教,龙虎山 AsianUnion(巴基斯坦) China is now expanding towards Africa, South-West Asia Middle-east via Pakistan.. 中国如今通过巴基斯坦向非洲、西南亚和中东挺进。 cnleio(中国) The biggest Buddhist college in SiChuan province, SeDa town (四川,色达) 中国最大佛学院 Nihonjin1051(日本)
WOW!!! 哇!!! Shotgunner51(中国) Wow I was just stunned by the beauty! 哇,我被这一美景惊呆了!